Quality Improvement Program

Quality improvement methodology is a system of basic principles, methods, techniques, methods and means of their implementation in the organization and construction of scientific and practical activities of people in order to improve the quality of the product of activity – goods and services.

Quality Improvement Principles

Quality assurance in health care includes all actions aimed at improving the quality of medical care. These actions are based on the principles of quality improvement:

  • Improvement for consumers. Improving the organization of the health care system, it is necessary to find out what the consumer needs, what he or she wants and what he or she expects from the system. To fully meet these expectations is the goal of making changes to the system to improve the quality of medical care;
  • Systematic approach. In order to get better results, you need to make changes to the system itself and analyze their effectiveness;
  • Teamwork. Only working groups can analyze the existing system, formulate plans for the reorganization or construction of a new system. The most effective work is the work of teams on the basis of a collaborative approach;
  • Scientific methodology. Improving systems must be carried out on a scientific basis, testing a hypothesis in an experiment, and making decisions based on an analysis of their results.

Quality Improvement Stages

The technology of actions to improve the organization of medical care includes the following steps:

  • Selection of a priority medical and organizational problem that needs to be improved;
  • The construction of the working group, the transfer of authority to it to experimentally improve the selected medical and organizational technology. The working group is made up of local health workers because they have a deeper knowledge of their system and are in a better position to identify, test and implement improvements in order to achieve the highest level of quality of care available in their system;
  • Analysis by the working group of the reality of medical and organizational technology;
  • Building questions about possible system improvements and finding answers based on evidence-based medicine;
  • Nomination of hypotheses on improving medical and organizational technologies: to improve quality and increase efficiency;
  • Development of indicators to assess changes, according to the hypotheses put forward;
  • Testing hypotheses in an experiment, analysis of monitored indicators and effectiveness;
  • Formalization of optimal changes in the form of clinical and organizational guidelines.

Improvement should affect all components of care

Improvement activities consist of two inextricable components: what has been done (content) and how it has been done (assistance process). Improvements can be achieved by working with any of these components. However, the greatest result can be achieved by considering in a complex the clinical content of the subject and the assistance process. This paradigm of improving quality allows organizations to work more efficiently and provide quality services, while increasing their accessibility to patients, reducing losses, and often costs.

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